
Our Official EWB-USA International Project


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EWB-UConn is working with CLiCK (Commercially Licensed Co-operative Kitchen), in Willimantic, CT, on several projects oriented towards long-term sustainability. This project is currently in the application process to become an official EWB-USA local project.


Collaboration with EWB-Muffakha Jah College of Engineering and Technology (MJCET). UConn engineering students and Pratt & Whitney -with funding from United Technologies Research Center- are aiding EWB-India in the installation of E-Learning Centers into ten schools in Hyderabad, India. Four members have traveled to help with the implementation.


The UConn chapter of EWB targeted its aid efforts to the impoverished shantytown of La Prusia, Nicaragua, with the aim of improving living conditions for residents through the construction of a permanent road linking La Prusia with the colonial city of Granada.

Pope Park

Engineers Without Borders was given the opportunity to help revitalize the quality of Pope Park in Hartford, CT; specifically the hill adjacent to the soccer field, which has been in decline over the years.


Engineers Without Borders is in the beginning stages of a irrigation project in Ethiopia. The community that has reached out to EWB-UConn relies heavily on access to water for agricultural needs.